Thursday, February 11, 2010

Zacks bad day!!

Today my faith in our safe little community was shattered. Zack was hit by a car. HE IS OK. He only has a tiny booboo on his middle finger. But his bike is totaled. He is so sad that he doesn't have a bike now. That will be fixed soon. One of the drivers was driving too fast as Zackary was coming out of a drivew...ay. I will make sure our speed bumps are put in ASAP!! Please don't call after 9:30 am your time. We love you!! Pictures are attached.

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  1. ANGIE.... oh my hell? What a crazy world you have entered. I love you all so much. VERY SCARY.... Was the driver upset he hit Zack? Tell my little bud to "WATCH for the CRAZY drivers!" WOW.... Be Safe! Love you sis.

  2. Are you still alive over thier??? I hope you are doing great. I miss all of you alot. Looking forward to see some new stuff... :O)

  3. I am soooo relieved to know that he is OK. You have major guardian angels watching over your kids because you get more angels assigned to you when you go to a foreign country. Relax and breath deeply Angie. Mothering is high adventure for sure.

  4. Hi sister :o) How is India treating all of you? Have a great day! Good night...

  5. What's going on with you guys over there? I haven't heard from you and I miss chatting! Someone call me dammit :)
